Misvik Biology is a precision oncology company providing cell biological research services, specialized microscopy assay services, and cutting-edge multiomics screening platforms for personalized medicine and customer initiated high-throughput & ultra-high-content biology. Our premises are located in Turku, Finland.Drug response testing for personalized cancer treatment:Misvik Biology is developing a diagnostic technology for precision oncology and assessment of targeted therapies for rare cancers by ex vivo testing of therapy efficacy using patient derived tumor and immune cells. The TRIALTEST™ multiomics diagnostic test can be used to predict drug efficacy integrating knowledge of molecular pathology, single cell analyses of tumor and immune cell drug responses and machine learning driven computational biology.Nanotoxicology and eNM safety governance:Misvik is invested in the development of safety governance of Engineered NanoMaterials in Europe as part of several European research initiatives and the EU NanoSafety Cluster. Our services for toxicology research include: Integrative omics methods for in vitro NanoToxicology: High-throughput organoid screening service, Big Data integration (HTS and genomics) and Predictive ToxicoGenomic testing using Tox5-Score and PTGS for liver, cardiac and renal toxicity.