Kim Brock

Product Marketing Manager at Birds Eye - USA, USA, US

Kim Brock's Contact Details
Birds Eye
Kim Brock's Company Details
Birds Eye logo, Birds Eye contact details

Birds Eye

USA, USA, US • 500 - 999 Employees
Food Processing

Some companies have lofty goals. To fight disease. Or feed the world. Or save the planet. At Birds Eye our ambition is humble. We just want to help people eat more vegetables. So, every day, for nearly a century, we’ve worked tirelessly to make vegetables irresistible. Easier to buy. Store. Prepare. And serve. More delicious. More delightful. Because when people get more of their daily nutrition from vegetables and plants, remarkable things happen. They experience less obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Farmers can feed more people using less land, water, and energy. Fewer chemicals are needed. Fewer greenhouse gases are released. Which means that helping people eat more vegetables may actually help fight disease, feed the world and save the planet. It seems your Mom was right all along: it’s good to eat vegetables. So we make vegetables good to eat.

Frozen Vegetables Vegetable Products Plant-Based Food Healthy Eating Sustainable Agriculture Frozen Food
Details about Birds Eye
Frequently Asked Questions about Kim Brock
Kim Brock currently works for Birds Eye.
Kim Brock's role at Birds Eye is Product Marketing Manager.
Kim Brock's email address is *** To view Kim Brock's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kim Brock works in the Food Processing industry.
Kim Brock's colleagues at Birds Eye are Monica Hurley, Tracy Restey, Mary Turcotte, Christine Adams, Sharon Jones, Becky Smith, Reb Klein and others.
Kim Brock's phone number is ["(863) 660-3950"]
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