MPCAA is part of a national movement created in 1964 with the passing of the Economic Opportunity Act. Community Action Agencies work on behalf of individuals and families to help them improve their daily living situations and to stabilize the family unit.Community Action is about real people: the individuals who volunteer time and money; the individuals and families who find a road out of poverty into self-sufficiency; and the agencies themselves whose dedicated staff encourage and inspire.Multi-Purpose Community Action Agency provides a variety of services to clients over 60 years of age, to low-income clients and to at-risk families. MPCAA is incorporated as a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) agency and is governed by a volunteer board of directors.The agency has been providing services for more than 35 years and continuously strives to identify needs of the community and to develop services to meet those needs. Through our various program services we promote self-sufficiency and independent living, helping our customers to achieve their own success by focusing on the positive aspects of their lives.