L'histoire commence lorsque William de Montmollin Marler fut assermenté notaire à Montréal en 1872. D'autres se joignirent par la suite à lui, dont Edouard Cholette, son fils Sir Herbert M. Marler, Herbert B. McLean, un autre fils George C. Marler, Herbert H. Tees, John H. Watson et Henri Poitevin, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns. L'étude a connu une croissance continue, s'efforçant de satisfaire aux besoins sans cesse grandissants et de plus en plus complexes d'une clientèle formée de grandes institutions financières, de grandes corporations et de petites et moyennes entreprises.It began when William de Montmollin Marler was sworn as a Notary at Montreal in 1872. He was followed by Edouard Cholette, his son Sir Herbert M. Marler, Herbert B. McLean, another son George C. Marler, Herbert H. Tees, John H. Watson and Henri Poitevin, to name but a few. Proud of its reputation, earned and maintained for well over a century, for meeting the ever-changing requirements of its clients – important financial institutions and others majors corporations, business enterprises and individuals – the firm continues its growth in providing services of the highest calibre, with special emphasis on corporate and commercial matters.