K30 is a consulting company specialized in developing and building digital products. Our deliveries are always based on teamwork to ensure thought-trough solutions with high value for our clients. A project normally involves something from all three of our departments: Data Science, Design and Development.We use design as the approach to solve our clients challenges and to get to the essence of what needs doing. Whether you need to build a stronger brand, improve you user-experience or better digital products - you need design. We do fine-tuning of existing solutions to setting it all up from scratch.To provide value we use our digital experience and competence to make solutions that fit you situation and ambitions. Do you want robust and advanced or do you just need to prove a concept fast - we have experience from build prototypes and production-ready applications that scale.To get the maximum value from your data and applications you'll need data science. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have multiple application possibilities within most industries. We can set it up or we can do an Exploratory Data Science Package (EDSP) for clients to test and discover where it's smart to start. We have experience from several different industries: Tech, Robotics, Shipping, R&D, Investment, Finance, Renewable Energy, Retail, Oil & Gas, Communication, Manufacturing, Aquaculture