Wholesale & Retail Head to Toe Safety Products & Sanitation Supplies The Mitt & Robe Co was established in March 1987. Our main company goal is Customer Service. Sounds like a marketing buzzword but the Real goal is to train staff practical and theory on products we have available. Gone are the days where you could only offer one product per description. In stock are items specified, not by suppliers, not by M&R, by our customers. What Snew!! Work and Play Gloves and Garments all sizes to fit user. How about Youth Small to 5XL male. In between are Work Garments and Gloves for Ladies. There is one more Company goal for 2013 for Customers, Suppliers, and M&R staff. We all need to practice "SafetY" but "attitude" seems the culprit in most accidents. Work needs to be rewarding with a "Paycheque " but nothing ever replaces "Enjoying" your Work" !