Grand Blanc was home to what was believed to be the first school between Waterford and Mackinaw, a frame structure built in 1830 on Perry Road by pioneer settler Edmund Perry. By the 1880s, there were eleven one-room schoolhouses in Grand Blanc Township, with names including the Whigville, Sherwood, Grand Blanc, Butler, Cook, Walker, Mason, Porter, Halsey, Hoffman and Lunn Schools. The Grand Blanc Village School was originally built in 1867 at the corner of Saginaw Street and Perry Road as a two-story brick building. It was demolished in 1890 and replaced with a two-room brick structure.The first consolidated school in the state was formed in Grand Blanc when the Cook and Porter Schools united with the Grand Blanc School in 1903 and 1904, respectively. Students were brought to the school by two horse-drawn buses. In 1919 the Walker and Hoffman Schools consolidated and the Grand Blanc Rural Agricultural School was formed, establishing a ten-grade high school. Anyone who wished to finish the 11th and 12th grades had to travel to Flint High School. The Grand Blanc Township Unit School was formed in 1920, uniting all of the individual one-room schools and the central school as one school district.