The Unemployment Action Center, Inc. (UAC) is a student-run nonprofit organization devoted to the representation of unemployment insurance claimants throughout New York City and Long Island. The UAC provides pro bono legal advocacy to New York workers who have been denied unemployment benefits. Founded in 1981 as a clinic at New York University School of Law and incorporated by students in 1985, the UAC is the largest organization of its type in the country, and the only organization in New York devoted solely to providing legal assistance to people seeking to secure unemployment insurance benefits. Since its inception, the UAC has helped more than 11,000 individuals. Today, law students from Brooklyn Law School, Cardozo, Fordham, Hofstra, and New York University coordinate their efforts to provide free legal services to an underrepresented community. Interested aw students in the New York area are highly encouraged to contact the organization about starting a chapter at your school.