Kimberly Velez

Customer Service Specialist at PANGEA - , California, United States

Kimberly Velez's Contact Details
Los Angeles,California,United States
Kimberly Velez's Company Details
PANGEA logo, PANGEA contact details


, California, United States • 1 - 10 Employees
Apparel & Fashion

Exotic Swimwear Designed For The Worldly Gentleman.There was a time when the world was big. Lands were unnervingly unfamiliar and people and places were explored with great courage and wonder. Now, we're told, the world has grown small. What was once daunting and exotic has become increasingly familiar. The paths have been trodden, the trails have all been blazed.Pangea embodies the notion that there is always more to discover, more to do, more to see. We believe that true adventure is the exploration of the unknown. And while the world may feel smaller, there is still so much to explore. Our designs are inspired by our own experiences traveling to some of the farthest flung places in the world. We went there, not so you don't have to, but so you can, in style. Pangea isn't what you pack for a trip, it's what you pack for a journey.

Details about PANGEA
Frequently Asked Questions about Kimberly Velez
Kimberly Velez currently works for PANGEA.
Kimberly Velez's role at PANGEA is Customer Service Specialist.
Kimberly Velez's email address is *** To view Kimberly Velez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kimberly Velez works in the Apparel & Fashion industry.
Kimberly Velez's colleagues at PANGEA are Patricia Suzana, Cassie Shiflett, Severine PELFRENE, Cassie Shiflett, Andres Luna, Igor Gots and others.
Kimberly Velez's phone number is
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