I am a licensed Psychotherapist specializing in family system dynamics. I am actively involved in Al-Anon and use the 12 step philosophy in my therapy practice. When addiction issues are present, I bring experience, strength and hope to the therapeutic process. So often, when family members are dealing with addiction the focus is on the addict. It is important to shift the focus off the addict and back onto the family so healthy boundaries and self-care are instigated back into the individual family members. I also specialize in couples therapy, which is centered around healthy communication skills. Learning how to listen and also learning how to give your emotions a healthy language is imperative to a healthy relationship.In addition, I am a certified Equine Psychotherapist. Horses are powerful, magical animals, mirroring human emotion. This kind of experiential therapy (ground exercises with the horses) is a wonderful way to help us with self-reflection, awareness, trust, and truth. For more information please stop by my website to watch video's on my approach as a therapist, and the different services I offer. There is a direct link above.