cyber intel analyst senior manager and dcfl contractor lead, department of defense cyber crime center
Established as an entity within the Department of the Air Force in 1998, DC3 provides digital and multimedia (D/MM) forensics, specialized cyber training, technical solutions development, and cyber analytics for the following DoD mission areas: cybersecurity (CS) and critical infrastructure protection (CIP), law enforcement and counterintelligence (LE/CI), document and media exploitation (DOMEX), and counterterrorism (CT). DC3 delivers capability via six functional organizations which create synergies and enable considerable capability for its size.DC3 is designated as a federal cyber center by National Security Presidential Directive 54 / Homeland Security Presidential Directive 23, as a DoD center of excellence for D/MM forensics by DoD Directive 5505.13E, and serves as the operational focal point for the Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Program (DIB CS Program; 32 CFR Part 236). DC3 delivers capability with a team of approximately 430 people, comprised of Department of the Air Force civilians, Air Force and Navy military personnel, and contractors for specialized staff support.