Social Media Volunteer at San Diego Event Coalition - San Diego, California, United States
The San Diego Event Coalition is a collaboration of San Diego's most esteemed event producers, planners and venue managers that are united with a common goal: the safe re-opening of events of all kinds in San Diego County. With an average of more than 20 years of experience, our commitment is the creation of operational protocols that all events should adopt, from a small backyard wedding, to a large festival. These standards address all aspects of sanitation, public health and social distancing. The documentation we have created is extremely detailed and provides a framework for all events during the time of Covid19. Events create meaningful experiences for the community and celebrate our humanity. The live event industry, often overlooked by public agencies, employs thousands of event professionals in San Diego County, many of whom have become unemployed, and/or on the brink of needing to close their businesses. Beyond just the planners and producers, the impact of event cancellations has deeply impacted rental companies, caterers, staging companies, security providers, food and beverage providers and more. It's a million-dollar industry that has been forced to shutter. We have united the industry in order help us get to work again. Our mission is to bring events back to the San Diego community. Our commitment is health and safety for the community, event participants, staff and volunteers. Please join us in making our voice heard.