Humrobo Technologies is a U.S based Company . Humrobo Technologies name stands for Human + Robot. This is the relationship between Human and Robot in our daily life, Human depends upon the robotic Parts in every field. Expertise in developing huge user-base database driven applications on popular platforms. We provide services vary from website development and designing to digital marketing services, to ERP solutions for various platforms like hotel/travel or educational or textile or Medical, to API services to website redesign or maintenance services and much more. Our team of experts consists of highly qualified, experienced and motivating professionals from all over U.S making "Humrobo Technologies" extremely productive and people/customer friendly organization.With our vast experience, we act as a company next door which helps in achieving goals quickly. We deliver unique potential to every project and we're proud of our growing list of clients. We emphasize personal touch to every engagement through well defined account management practice that is tailored to suit the needs of each client.Contact Address: SCO -132 Second Floor,Main Market(Near Mochi Showroom), Phase-7, Mohali, Punjab. Phone:+91 172 - 4379916 Mobile:+91 9653492630