Youturn Youth Support is a Public Benevolent Institution providing health and social services across south east Queensland. With a workforce of 180 people, Youturn provides support to more than 6,000 young people annually.The organisation has grown and evolved over the last 30 years and today provides services across:- CHILD SAFETY: Providing Out of Home Care to children and young people who cannot remain living with their parents and support to vulnerable families to help maintain their family unit.- HOMELESSNESS: Providing Specialist Homelessness Services including crisis and temporary supported accommodation for young people who cannot remain at home or afford housing.- MENTAL HEALTH: Lead Agency for five headspace centres across Southern Queensland focusing on mild to moderate mental health and early intervention for young people.- SUICIDE PREVENTION: The StandBy program is Australia's leading support after suicide services (postvention) providing support to those bereaved or impacted by suicide.