Ivory Standard is a web-based company, whose mission is to make the job hunting process as seamless as possible for both, employers and candidates. We employ a full-time staff dedicated to maintaining and upgrading the site, studying the changing job market, and offering friendly customer service. As our name implies, our goal is to set, and live up to, a universal standard for advertising vacancies by combining the best features of Craigslist, SnagAJob.com, state-specific work force development sites, and other popular job boards.Employers and recruiters can post job ads for $15-$30 each. They can be broadcasted locally, regionally (state/province/territory-wide), or nationwide. Those who post frequently can sign up for a member account at http://ivorystandard.com/RegisterClient.aspx to enjoy bulk discounts and various privileges, such as access to Turbo Uploader (a special API for posting multiple ads at once) and vanity e-mail addresses (@employers.ivorystandard.com) that can be used for recruiting purposes. Membership is on a month-to-month basis and can be cancelled any time for a pro-rated refund.Jobseekers can browse the site for free, with or without a user account. Those who choose to register can subscribe to the JobTicker (tm) service for a small fee, so they could receive SMS messages each time a new job gets posted.