Oracle Database Administrator at National Olympiad Foundation - Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Chief Technology Officer-Product management and Digital marketing
National Olympiad Foundation constitutes docking of academic talent and social entrepreneurship helping the talent to come out from the walls of the classroom. NOF conducts one of its own GLOBAL talent search exam where the resources are utilized for children in need who are ignorant about education. Headquartered in Indore, NOF has fetched students from all over the globe bringing them to a common platform. A uniform platform, distinguishing students based on subject, perception and age.National Olympiad Foundation (NOF) has its own extensive features not underlined by any of the other organization, e.g. NOF is first in introducing Olympiad in Commerce, GK & Biology. After all, no education is confined to the selected dog-eared pages of the book. NOF acts as a bookmark to benchmark.National Olympiad Foundation (NOF) Conducts International Olympiads in 7 subjects in more than 10 countries: 1. International Math Qualifier (IMQ): NOF conducts the international Math Olympiad as International Math Qualifier (IMQ) where math paper is created by Dr R. D. Sharma.2. International Science Qualifier (ISQ): NOF conducts the international Science Olympiad as International Science Qualifier (ISQ).3. International English Qualifier (IEQ): NOF conducts the international English Olympiad as International English Qualifier (IEQ).4. International GK Qualifier (IGQ): NOF conducts the international General Knowledge Olympiad as International GK Qualifier (IGQ).5. International Aptitude Qualifier (IAQ): NOF conducts the international Aptitude Olympiad as International Aptitude Qualifier (IAQ).6. International Commerce Qualifier (IComQ): NOF conducts the international Commerce Olympiad as International Commerce Qualifier where paper is created by Prof. Siddqui(IComQ).7. International Biology Qualifier (IBQ): NOF conducts the international Biology Olympiad as International Biology Qualifier (IBQ).