Visual Mobile Technologies, Inc. is revolutionizing collaborative mobile communications with vMobile Collaborator, a mobile application and web platform providing remote visual validation to many enterprise processes. vMobile Collaborator (vMobile) transforms the way businesses capture, catalog, collaborate and share digital media content: video, audio, images and documents. vMobile simplifies your communications. “Let me explain” becomes “Let me show you.” Users access vMobile through a desktop browser or mobile application enabling quick and easy collaboration with one another sharing an experience through live video, initiated from the mobile device, providing participants the ability to “see” onsite conditions while speaking in conference-like audio with other vMobile users. Images can be captured and shared instantly. Essentially any file can be shared with all participants. With vMobile you can verify conditions or results remotely, managing quality control, saving time and expense. All video, audio, images and files are tagged, cataloged and archived in the Cloud making them quick to retrieve and easy to share. vMobile is built on a highly secure and scalable Software-as-a-Service platform, hosted in the Cloud and accessible through a desktop browser, smartphone, tablet or iPad. Easily integrate vMobile into any legacy platform or web browser and associate all captured digital media content with work orders, customer accounts, budgets, inspections, variance reports and more. We do not replace your current system, we simply enhance it. vMobile has an almost infinite set of use-cases within many industries including Property Management, Inspections, Public Safety, Insurance, Product Maintenance, virtually any company in the service sector and many others. Visual Mobile Technologies, Inc. is disrupting and revolutionizing collaborative mobile communications for small to medium businesses and large enterprise companies.