CDIB Capital Group pioneered venture capital and investment banking in Taiwan and today it remains the predominant leader in venture capital business in Taiwan with a market share of over 30%. Along with Taiwan's industrial development, CDIB Capital Group has built up a wealth of experience in high-tech investment.CDIB Capital Group, formerly China Development Corporation and later China Development Industrial Bank, was the first private development-oriented financial institution in Taiwan. It was established in 1959 through the coordinating efforts of the Economic Stabilization Committee of the Executive Yuan, the World Bank and private funding. In 1999, it was restructured to become an industrial bank. In its more than 50 years of existence, CDIB Capital Group has concentrated on the principal investment and corporate banking businesses. It has invested in and provided services to domestic and overseas clients in over 100 industries, and it continues to play a critical role in Taiwan's venture capital market. CDIB Capital Group has long worked in close partnership with the Taiwanese government to support the nation's economic growth. It has not only made a significant contribution to the nation's economic and industrial development, but has also played the role as a pioneer among local investment banks. The evolution of Taiwan's industrial structure is neatly encapsulated in the changes of CDIB Capital Group's investment and credit portfolio. CDIB Capital Group invested in traditional textiles and petrochemicals industries in the 60s and 70s; it shifted its focus in the 80s and 90s to foster high-tech industries, such as the electronics and information technology industry, and the semiconductor industry. From 2000, CDIB Capital Group has been actively involved in industries such as optoelectronics, alternative energy, medical and healthcare as well as consumer goods.