Navigating through the entertainment industry can be difficult without the right support, networks, experience and understanding. Open Sky Artworks has gained a valuable network of industry professionals, Djs, A&Rs, producers and bloggers who have helped to increase exposure for the OSA brand and our affiliates. We urge young artists to take a proactive approach when building their brand and getting their music heard by the right people. OSA is dedicated to using our unique resources and consultants, to help young professionals remain a step above the rest and receive the attention and recognition that they deserve"It is with this network that OSA has maneuvered successfully among different industry sectors within New York and The Gulf Coast. The Open Sky Artworks Team harbors individual industry experience that has aided in making OSA a known brand in the Entertainment / Social Entrepreneurship arena. With the help of New York University, The Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation, and the Hip Hop Education Center, OSA has recently launched the Strive Till I Rise Campaign, which empowers and educates youth using entertainment and workshops.