Consultor de Negócios Associado at Aerospace Brazil Certifications - São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
ABOUTAerospace Brazil Certifications delivers excellence within an integrated solution for the certification processes of aircraft and parts, production installations, special processes (Nadcap) and management systems (quality, environment, occupational health and safety) for the success of our worldwide customers.MISSIONOur mission is to increase competitiveness and promote the growth of companies, mainly in the aerospace sector, within the new world scenario with added value, objectivity, integrity, sustainability and efficiency.Demystify the secrets of the success of Brazilian companies, by adding value, strategic knowledge and personal empowerment, making companies fly with their own wings in national and international markets, industry or services.STRENGHTSHighly experienced professionals in all areas of knowledge required for certification of aeronautical products.Project Integration of all areas of knowledge required for the certification process in a single company.Integration of existing academic knowledge of the laboratories of universities to our clients' projects.OUR SERVICESTYPE AND SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATION OF AIRCRAFTS (TC & STC)Compliance of project to current certification requirements.AERONAUTICAL PRODUCTS CERTIFICATION (TSO)Approval of components.VALIDATION OF EASA / FAA CERTIFIED PRODUCTSAt the Brazilian aviation authority (ANAC) and vice-versa.CERTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTION PLANT (AND ITS PROCESSES)As an authorized aeronautical manufacturer (Production Approval Certificate).REPAIR STATIONS CERTIFICATION(MRO - Maintenance Organization Certificate).NADCAP CERTIFICATIONAerospace Standard.MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION ON: Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations. (AS/EN/JISQ 9100/NBR 15100); Quality – ISO 9001:2015; Environment – ISO 14001; Occupational Health and Safety – OHSAS 18001.