The Entrepreneurs SocietyFounded on 2017 by Klemens B. Rahardja in Indonesia as a movement to unify Indonesia without discrimination, and to grow the people through the ever expanding education on Entrepreneurship. This movement provides Education, Connection, and Solution to all it's members so that they can grow their businesses towards the Exit Stage. So far, the movement have spread wide and inspire hundreds to collaborate, and connect, network, and grow together as entrepreneurs. Through this movement, we will spread our influence far and wide.Through this movement, we will spread our values, our teachings, our love, our way so that others may grow, prosper, and continue to be blessings to others.Through our businesses that we will create, we will emanates glory within and inspire change to this broken world.Here is our Creed (adapted from various sources):We are, Entrepreneurs!Warriors of Change!Masters of Our own Destiny!United together, against all odds, for the betterment of ourselves and our people, in this country we call home, and this community we call family.We are powerful beyond measure, we are what we wanted us to be.We seek and create opportunities, we are the dreamers and the builders.Here we are, we stood tall;Facing Adversities, Facing our Fears, and we move ForwardWe do not give up. We do not bend to any threat.We have an open mind, to always learn.We have open arms, to always help our men. We are Proud and Unafraid; to think and act for ourselves, to enjoy the benefit of our own creations, and to face the world BOLDLY and say: "This, with God's help, I have done all this is what it means to be an Entrepreneur."Together We are Strong, Together We will SucceedThe Entrepreneurs SocietyGo BOLD and Beyond