KB-Pure LTD - The largest professional Israeli based Derma-Cosmetic company that develops, markets, and sells a wide range of revolutionary and powerful Dermatological & Beauty skincare products for various skin disorders, skin renewal, blurring signs of age, and skin texture' improvements.The company was founded in 2014 after 3 years of research and development by a selected team of biologicals and chemistries engineers, followed by proven clinical research and trials.KB-Pure LTD promotes 42 products in total that are divided into two different segments:17 products are offered to therapists (Treatment cart) and 25 products are offered to patients as a home use maintenance and complementary treatment.Our differentiation and success from other cosmetic worldwide brands is the ability to handle 14 individual Dermatological and beauty applications by using 15 products only! (Treatment cart)KB-Pure LTD products are distributed in Israel, the USA, Canada, Singapore, and currently, the company is in initial business discussions with Southeastern Asian countries.