Koichiro Okuda

Advanced data analytics dept. at MetLife Japan - , Tokyo, Japan

Koichiro Okuda's Contact Details
["+81-3-3201-6713","2017/171227","203-221-8580","+00 (0)00 000 0000","03(5902)3955","+959254579005","+81-3-3286-2652","(414) 665-1679","81-3-6658-2980","+81 3-5819-0594","81367792842"]
MetLife Japan
Koichiro Okuda's Company Details
MetLife Japan logo, MetLife Japan contact details

MetLife Japan

, Tokyo, Japan • 5001 - 10000 Employees

メットライフ生命は、日本初の外資系生命保険会社として1973年に営業を開始し、多様な販売チャネル を通して、個人・法人のお客さまに革新的かつ幅広いリスクに対応できる商品を提供してまいりました。現在は日本法人「メットライフ生命保険株式会社」として、お客さまに常に寄り添い、お客さま自らが自信を持って最適な保障を選ぶお手伝いをし続けることに努めています。 MetLife started operations in 1973 as the first foreign life insurance company in Japan. Since then, it has provided an innovative and broad range of products through diverse distribution channels to individual and institutional customers. Currently operating as a Japanese corporation, MetLife Insurance K.K. is committed to providing trusted navigation to help people become more self-reliant and able to pursue more from life. For more information, visit

Details about MetLife Japan
Frequently Asked Questions about Koichiro Okuda
Koichiro Okuda currently works for MetLife Japan.
Koichiro Okuda's role at MetLife Japan is Advanced data analytics dept..
Koichiro Okuda's email address is ***@metlife.co.jp. To view Koichiro Okuda's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Koichiro Okuda works in the Insurance industry.
Koichiro Okuda's colleagues at MetLife Japan are Shashank Bijwe, Yuji Ikeda, Akram Javed, Karthik Ramanathan, KEISUKE KAWAI, Jayesh Mehta, Eiichi Kano and others.
Koichiro Okuda's phone number is ["+81-3-3201-6713","2017/171227","203-221-8580","+00 (0)00 000 0000","03(5902)3955","+959254579005","+81-3-3286-2652","(414) 665-1679","81-3-6658-2980","+81 3-5819-0594","81367792842"]
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