In the West African language of Twi (pronounced "chwee"), akwaaba means "welcome."At The Akwaaba Foundation we strive to welcome students around the world to come together and experience real macro economic and social challenges. We deliver this experience with internet based interactive simulations that teach critical thinking and ethical decision-making.Essential to our goal is international cooperation and sustainable economic development. We want to teach students the importance to achieving a world-wide minimum standard of living, the significance of today's most urgent challenges, and introduce students to international trade and policy.SIMPOLICON©,our primary teaching utility, is a cloud based simulation where students act as leaders of different nations in their own "world." Their objective is to develop their nation in sustainable ways. Each student leverages the strengths and weaknesses of their individual country for development and international trade. The students must take care of their citizens and develop an economy on a world stage.Throughout the simulation, students interact with each other, as they would if they were actual national leaders. Students can: develop coalitions, declare war on each other; and create programmatic solutions to global problems.