Kolbjorn Haarr

Group CEO at Kernel AS - Bodø, Nordland, Norway

Kolbjorn Haarr's Contact Details
Kernel AS
Kolbjorn Haarr's Company Details
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Kernel AS

Bodø, Nordland, Norway • 10 Employees
Information Technology & Services

Kernel er en e-helse- og teknologibedrift med mål om å stimulere til hurtig utvikling av løsninger innen e-helse, og å være en akselerator for markedets beste, tett integrerte løsninger for helsesektoren.Det største selskapet i Kernel-konsernet, DIPS AS, med sitt nye produkt og plattform, DIPS Arena, leverer elektronisk pasientjournal til 86 % av sykehusmarkedet i Norge. DIPS Arena fungerer både som datahub, som aktivator for innovative brukeropplevelser, og som en tilgjengelig plattform for tredjepartsleverandører.I tillegg til DIPS, er Kernel morselskapet til e-helseselskapene DIPS Front, Extensor og ReMin, og teknologiselskapene Deepinsight og Indico. Kernel har om lag 400 ansatte, og forventer en omsetning i 2021 på 600-650 millioner kroner.Kort oppsummert er vår ambisjon å koble teknologi med samfunnets behov. Med et langsiktig perspektiv, kombinert med lang erfaring og innovasjonskraft, utvikler vi teknologi som skal løse samfunnets største utfordringer.//Kernel is an e-health and technology company aiming to be a fast-moving spawner of e-health solutions and an accelerator of closely integrated best-of-breed solutions for the health care sector. The largest company in the Kernel group, DIPS AS, with its new product and platform, DIPS Arena, provides the electronic medical record for 86% of the hospital market in Norway. DIPS Arena serves as a data hub, an enabler for innovative user experiences, and an accessible platform for third-party vendors. In addition to DIPS, Kernel is the parent company of the e-health companies DIPS Front, Extensor, and ReMin, and tech companies Deepinsight and Indico. Kernel consists of about 400 employees and expects a turnover in 2021 of about 600-650 million NOK. In sum, our ambition is to connect technology with societal needs. With a long-term perspective, combined with extensive experience and innovative power, we develop technology that will solve our society's biggest challenges.

Details about Kernel AS
Frequently Asked Questions about Kolbjorn Haarr
Kolbjorn Haarr currently works for Kernel AS.
Kolbjorn Haarr's role at Kernel AS is Group CEO.
Kolbjorn Haarr's email address is ***@kernel.no. To view Kolbjorn Haarr's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kolbjorn Haarr works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Kolbjorn Haarr's colleagues at Kernel AS are Fredrik Skuland, Thomas Smedsrud, Amund Lundgaard and others.
Kolbjorn Haarr's phone number is
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