Komal Khanayat

house wife at Uttarakhand Open University - Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India

Komal Khanayat's Contact Details
Uttarakhand Open University
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Uttarakhand Open University

Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India • 51 - 200 Employees
Education Management

Uttarakhand Open University being in education field for anew has taken initiatives to offer an opportunity to those students who are unable to get on-campus education and those who have limited access to education resources. The Uttarakhand Open University was established by the act of Government of Uttarakhand,of Indian Republic in 2005 to promote education through open and distance learning system, with introduction of flexible and innovative methods of education to ensure ‘independent learning' to anyone, anytime and anywhere. The programmes of Uttarakhand Open University also envisage providing an opportunity to women of Uttarakhand who by and large has been left out in educational efforts of our nation.Uttarakhand Open University's study programmes are selective and customized to meet the learning requirements of knowledge seekers as well as to ensure that they learn at their own pace and convenience. Within the financial means of University, due care has been taken to keep the cost of education low so that educationally backward sections can take advantage of University's programmes through ODL mode. Keeping this goal in view, the Uttarakhand Open University has made concerted efforts to offer professionaland job oriented courses with regular updates of curricula and study material and introduction of tools of Information Technology.

Details about Uttarakhand Open University
Frequently Asked Questions about Komal Khanayat
Komal Khanayat currently works for Uttarakhand Open University.
Komal Khanayat's role at Uttarakhand Open University is house wife.
Komal Khanayat's email address is ***@uou.ac.in. To view Komal Khanayat's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Komal Khanayat works in the Education Management industry.
Komal Khanayat's colleagues at Uttarakhand Open University are Uou Distribution, Dr. Pande, Deepankur Joshi, Dr. Rana, Rajeev Semwal, Nandan Rawat, Deepak Paliwal and others.
Komal Khanayat's phone number is
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