The world's unhealthy lifestyle is a major problem. In an extensive survey conducted by the Directorate of Health in Norway, 76% of the inactive people want a more active and healthier lifestyle.Inactive people are also employees - and companies suffer huge costs due to high level of sickness absence and lack of effective and focused employees. iProud has deep insight in these groups and we know that the problem is not the lack of information about why and how to be more active and healthier. The biggest challenge for humans is changing habits and becoming healthier is a mental challenge. Changing habits is extremely difficult, but to do so require individualized help.WHAT IS iPROUD?iProud will be the personal and digital coach for the company's employees, ensuring that they get • necessary inspiration• customized training plans• fun gamification elements• the chance to attend training groups • a training pal (if needed)iProud will ensure that employees get started with the activity - helps them over the doorstep and to stay there. Our digital coach will be highly skilled at the job based on machine learning and data from a great number of coachings. HOW WILL iPROUD WORK FOR YOUR COMPANY?Your company will get a dashboard telling you all you need to know about activity, progress, groups, friends and mentors. The dashboard can also be customized for each company.HOW DOES ACTUALLY iPROUD WORK? iProud will assist by using modern technology, where machine learning is central. At the start, this will be a hybrid solution where human coaches train the AI (artificial intelligence) coach while communicating with the user. When the AI coach has received the necessary input and learning, the human coaches will be phased out.