BBA Reman is one of the worlds leading automotive remanufacturers. The company was founded in 1993 by Chris Swan and combines engineering expertise with in-depth knowledge of the automotive industry to provide an affordable and reliable alternative to buying new electronic car parts. Today BBA Reman is an international company with offices or operations in 11 countries spread across three continents..We also have a Support and Software Development Centre in India. We are a dynamic business, always looking to expand into new areas of electronic engineering, including avionics and defence electronics. If you would like to discuss a potential venture contact a senior member of our management team. BBA Reman believes that re-engineered parts offer a better and considerably cheaper alternative to buying OEM replacement parts. This is because replacement parts will generally retain the same inherent faults that caused them to fail in the first place, whereas remanufactured parts have these faults re-engineered out of their design. The BBA Reman approach is to take old, failed units (core), process them to return them to their original capabilities, and then test them to ensure quality compliance and reliability. We now offer a product range in excess of 10,000 parts across all makes and most models of cars. And we are so sure of our engineering excellence that we are happy to give all our parts a lifetime warranty.