Koshy John

Deputy Director General at Geological Survey of India - Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Koshy John's Contact Details
["+916382456606","033-2357-1775","10013/10014","033 22861654","0172-2699804-06","34/13/2011-45","033-22520694","0863-2377099","0863-2444186","9449025530","033-22861676","080-26662881/2594"]
Geological Survey of India
Koshy John's Company Details
Geological Survey of India logo, Geological Survey of India contact details

Geological Survey of India

Kolkata, West Bengal, India • 10000+ Employees
Government Administration

The Geological Survey of India (GSI), founded in 1851, is a Government of India Ministry of Mines organisation, one of the oldest of such organisations in the world and the second oldest survey in India after Survey of India (founded in 1767), for conducting geological surveys and studies of India, and also as the prime provider of basic earth science information to government, industry and general public, as well as the official participant in steel, coal, metals, cement, power industries and international geoscientific forums.

Details about Geological Survey of India
Frequently Asked Questions about Koshy John
Koshy John currently works for Geological Survey of India.
Koshy John's role at Geological Survey of India is Deputy Director General.
Koshy John's email address is ***@gsi.gov.in. To view Koshy John's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Koshy John works in the Government Administration industry.
Koshy John's colleagues at Geological Survey of India are Kanika Sanyal, Jajati Bhattacharjee, Satya Bhartiya, K.V.Ramachandran 9483532553, Sanjiv Kumar, Samarjit Pasayat, Thanavelu Chinnasamy and others.
Koshy John's phone number is null
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