Headrush Debut feature film of Shimmy Marcus went on release summer 2005. Also Sugar Patrick Jolley debut feature was shot in New York in 2004, premiered at Sundance 2005. Co- productions are - JOHNNY WAS (2005) – director Mark Hammond and Dotcom – Luis Galvao Teles a Portuguese/Spanish/Irish co-production (2006). Zanzibar's latest productions are Breaking Boundaries – the Irish Cricket Story (2008) – Director Paul Davey & Shimmy Marcus TV documentary for the BCI & Setanta Sports. Also SWANSONG – the story of Occi Byrne by Conor Mac Dermottroe. (2009) Zanzibar Films are now in post-production on Souled Out – Shimmy Marcus second feature and his second feature length documentary Good Cake Bad Cake with The Straits – Johnny Gogan's third feature which is in pre-production starting shooting the 1st October 2009.Runners, Lingling, 66 Degrees North and Baby Zero is in development thanks to recent slate funding from The Irish Film Board and Media.Also Zanzibar Films – NEW BOY was nominated for an Academy Award for Best short film 2009.