We are committed to work towards 7 selected critical front lines of our country – defining them here as Pillars :- Youth & Skill Development- Jobs & Employability- Child & Mother development- Basic support to underprivileged- Mental health- Women empowerment- Basic EducationOur collaborative efforts will be translated in 3 forms of initiatives & programs known as IMPACT Series – Initiatives Molding People and Creating Transformations.a. Permanent "Impact" Seriesb. Focus Impact Initiativesc. Transit ImpactsPermanent "Impact" Series will be focusing specific group of individuals with overall array of needs. It will be minimum a yearlong series of continuous interventions with reported changes, beneficiaries' bulletins that will be based on research & program evaluations, showcasing & depicting before & after changes.Focus Impact Initiatives will be focusing specific group of individuals with specific needs. It will be maximum of "a half year-long" series of periodic interventions. The objective here is to identify intense & critical All IMPACT programs will be surrounded to our selected "7 Seven" priorities. IMPACT Series are the means of execution of strategies of national importance. time bounded zones and then to IMPACT it with right & on time support. The Impact of these initiatives will be reported through direct interactions and surveys.Transit Impacts are short term initiatives and activities targeting immediate relief, change & benefits focusing "7 Seven Pillars".These impacts will be multi focused, cross levels and of varied nature. Our initial execution will witness large numbers of Transit Impacts.