We are Health Coaches and parents to three kids, and we get it—we've supported each other through many changes in our lives. Supporting each other is the key and we will coach you on ways to use that support to reach your goals.Through our training and experience, we will provide guided coaching and accountability to help you make the changes that feel right for you.We will help you with a starting point that feels comfortable within your lifestyle, not the latest diet or exercise trend.We will provide support in areas that you don't think you can change or that you feel will trap you back in old habits. We will also help plan on ways to sustain these changes to provide long term benefits for you and your family, one step at a time.We have committed as a family to living a healthy and happy life. It is important to us that the knowledge and benefit of this lifestyle cascades down to our children. While it might not always look pretty or go the way we think it will, we can say that these changes can be made and have happened in ways we'd never have expected.Working on changes individually is an amazing start. When you incorporate your partner and your children in whole food-based nutrition, mindfulness, and positive physical activity, this amazing start turns into a spectacular journey—together.We want to hear about your goals. We want you to share them with us, and then write them down in your favorite journal. While it might sound simple, this first step is proven progress towards the changes you're looking for. Contact us for a free consultation so we can start this journey together.