The Maximal Impact Foundation (MIMPACT™) is an open-membership, not-for-profit organisation geared towards societal transformation at global scale with relevant speed. We deliver a post-competitive value model based on adaptive financial risk modulation and smart open knowledge engineering, achieving near-zero risk for public servants anywhere when addressing global problems locally and outside of the sandbox.At the same time we provide impact intelligence to the broader stakeholder landscape with upside for all sides of the market. Cardinally, we are on the cusp of exponentially increasing the (open) sharing capacities of local levels worldwide in order for us all to get ahead of some of the world's most wicked problems: migration, climate change, ethics by design - to name a few.The foundation is privately operated with membership limited to natural persons only - this allows us to work with industry leaders and change makers under reduced respective fiduciary burdens. We do partner with companies and organisations, and already work with some of the world's largest and best.**The Maximal Impact Foundation launches November 17th, 2021, from the Central Agora of the Smart Cities Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona. Check our pinned post for the launch event, online and in-person.**