Kris Mastromatteo

assistant produce manager at Stauffers of Kissel Hill - Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Kris Mastromatteo's Contact Details
(717) 626-4771
Stauffers of Kissel Hill
Kris Mastromatteo's Company Details
Stauffers of Kissel Hill logo, Stauffers of Kissel Hill contact details

Stauffers of Kissel Hill

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

What makes Stauffers of Kissel Hill Supermarkets and Garden Centers unique? In many ways, Stauffers is the essence of Central Pennsylvania. It's family-owned, like the farms that fill the landscape. It means freshness. Wholesome goodness. Quality products. It represents the old-fashioned values provided in a modern setting with modern conveniences. At Stauffers, we focus on the essentials. Friendliness. Courtesy. Respect. Helping shoppers find what they're looking for. Shoppers today expect more. More than finding what's on their list. More than a bright, clean, safe store. You want the most for your money. You want suggestions and advice. In every way, Stauffers delivers. We're Stauffers of Kissel Hill. And we delight shoppers every day. It's a promise wrapped up in an experience. It identifies how we want you to think about us and our business, services and products. We are passionate about it. Everything we do begins with our shopper in mind!

Fresh Produce Wholesome Foods Products Family Owned Friendly Customer Service Value For Money Local Supermarket
Details about Stauffers of Kissel Hill
Frequently Asked Questions about Kris Mastromatteo
Kris Mastromatteo currently works for Stauffers of Kissel Hill.
Kris Mastromatteo's role at Stauffers of Kissel Hill is assistant produce manager.
Kris Mastromatteo's email address is *** To view Kris Mastromatteo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kris Mastromatteo works in the Retail industry.
Kris Mastromatteo's colleagues at Stauffers of Kissel Hill are Rylie Knox, Jacob Ault, Kristen Forrester-Myers, Carl Myers, Allie Ames, Susie Hackman, Lizz Todd-Keppel and others.
Kris Mastromatteo's phone number is (717) 626-4771
See more information about Kris Mastromatteo