Global Resource Partners, Inc ("GRP") is a business advisory firm whose culture is modeled around the philosophy known as:Think – Feel – KnowThink-Feel-Know or TFK establishes a framework in which GRP helps an organization to define: What is the business? Who is the customer? What value is brought to the customer? With this understanding, an organization is able to establish a mission. GRP's use of TFK evolved over more than a decade of business experience. With an embraced mission, GRP then focuses on an enterprise's overall capital structure, which GRP delineates in three asset categories: Financial, Human, and Intellectual Capital. Within GRP's understanding of how these assets interact and the best manner in which to leverage each asset, lays the core foundation of our expertise. This expertise has helped our clients to maximize value in many different ways. For example: the restructuring of current business practices, acquisitions, divestments, a capital raise, horizontal and vertical expansion, as well as, attracting the "right" human capital. GRP believes it has developed a non-industry specific, optimal approach to assist organizations, regardless of their developmental stage and size, in executing their MISSION.