Scotwork's live, hands-on workshops make a real difference to people and businesses. In just a few hours we share lifetimes of experience and technique to enhance acumen, up-skill and empower. We help to boost profits, strengthen relationships and commercialise business culture. FOUNDED ON REAL INSIGHTSIt all started in 1975 with a mission to understand the mechanics of negotiation. Months of ground-breaking observational research revealed processes common to every negotiation. We identified techniques that brought success time after time. From this we devised a unique coaching framework to pass on our insights to others. The Scotwork negotiation course was born.MAKING A REAL IMPACT WORLDWIDEWe have coached over 200,000 senior managers in 24 languages. We have grown into the world's number one independent negotiation consultancy, operating in 40 countries. We work with organisations large and small across all sectors. And after 40 years we are still the real deal, giving people powerful skills that transform their lives and offer businesses more successful futures.