Our activity is not only a work, but a real passion. Our purpose is to live the architecture as a mission, but also as an entertainment. According to our philosophy every project, whatever its size was, is imaged first of all as a work of art. What is architecture?Vitruvio said that architecture "nascitur ex fabrica et ratiocinatione" ("is born out of the material structure and reason"). Moreover it must not be overlooked the ethical dimension that gives architecture proper life and a sense. 3ndy Studio designs a conscious architecture to everyone, in order to convey a positive and democratic message. Our projects are based on some fixed and essential points: the respect for the environment, for the society and for the future generations.Our buildings belong to high energetic classes and moreover they are powered by renewable energy, such as solar or geothermal energy. They are comfortable and at the same time they have a strong esthetic and architectonic spirit. Those buildings give a new identity to urban spaces that have lost their value due to the speculation.