President, Co-Founder | Head of Growth and Partnerships at Equity Studios
We're an international, Shorty Award winning, collective of Black creatives, tech heads, and entrepreneurs. Our HQ is in St. Louis Missouri, home of the best baseball team and country grammar. It's also one of the best cities for Black talent in the world. Technically we're a 501c3 but we don't believe hold to any labels other than Black and creative. However, with that said, if you'd like to donate to our community there might be some tax benefits that we heard rich people like! So check that out. If your business is in need of Black brilliance, please contact us via our website and someone from our team at Equity Studios (our non, non-profit startup) will get back with you as soon as possible. In the meantime, try not to be racists, advocate for Black lives, and follow us on IG to discover and celebrate the diversity, brilliance, and creativity within our community.