For all tutoring enquiries, please email us at Tutoring is a partnership of 5 recent college and master's program graduates, providing academic tutoring, and college admission essay revision services to high school students. We are all CRLA-certified tutors, with an average of 2.5 years of tutoring experience at the college level. On top of this, we have all graduated with honors degrees in our respective programs: Pre-Medicine, Pre-Law, Computer Engineering, and Bioengineering.With this broad knowledge base, we support learning in subjects ranging from all middle and high school levels of Mathematics, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Computer Science, Psychology, English/Composition, and Foreign Languages (Spanish, Latin, Russian, Arabic).Our mission as a company is to teach our clients how to be completely academically independent, through implementing strategies and practices that enable effective organization, time management, and optimal work/life balance. We aim to establish lasting relationships with our clients and their parents, and enter into a partnership that ensures long term academic success, in high school, college, and beyond.We look forward to meeting you, and discussing how we can positively impact your student's academic future.