Retro Raptor, LLC is a Denver-based film production company specializing in film, television, and animation. Founded in March 2020, joint-creative Co-Founder and CEO team—Krista Michaels and Brandy Bryant—are currently formulating a group of projects to get the company up and running.The first Retro Raptor production was a horror short film directed by Krista Michaels and starring Brandy Bryant during the Covid-19 quarantine, soon to be released on the Troma Now streaming service.**Projects in the works:1) Life After Death (Animated TV Series)Status: Teaser completed. Currently building a proposal. Created by Brandy Bryant. Produced by Krista Michaels.2) Scratchers (TV sitcom)Status: Pilot script completed. To be directed by Krista Michaels3) Match Needle (Horror Short Film)In production. Paused due to quarantine. Directed by Krista Michaels.Please contact Krista Michaels @ for interest, questions, and more information. Thanks! :)