Kristee Paschall

Director of Operations & Political Director at Metro Organizations for People - , Colorado, United States

Kristee Paschall's Contact Details
Denver,Colorado,United States
Metro Organizations for People
Kristee Paschall's Company Details
Metro Organizations for People logo, Metro Organizations for People contact details

Metro Organizations for People

, Colorado, United States • 11 - 50 Employees
Civic & Social Organization

Concretely MOP has been effective over the past 30 years in securing literally hundreds of successful community changes ranging from the passage of affordable housing policy changes; playing a role in cleaning up the contaminated water system in Commerce City resulting from the Rocky Mt. Arsenal; securing millions in new bank loans for low income communities of color in response to bank redlining in Denver; nine years of work on school reform in Denver which has resulted in sweeping changes in school reform in Denver and Colorado resulting in concrete achievement gains in high poverty, low performing schools; significant legislative gains with our All Kids Covered Coalition at the State Legislature resulting in health care coverage for 100,000 new kids and families and providing a prophetic voice in support of the DREAM Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the Asset (in state-tuition) legislation in Colorado.

Details about Metro Organizations for People
Frequently Asked Questions about Kristee Paschall
Kristee Paschall currently works for Metro Organizations for People.
Kristee Paschall's role at Metro Organizations for People is Director of Operations & Political Director.
Kristee Paschall's email address is *** To view Kristee Paschall's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kristee Paschall works in the Civic & Social Organization industry.
Kristee Paschall's colleagues at Metro Organizations for People are Mike Kromrey, Kris Spinden, Brenda Ray and others.
Kristee Paschall's phone number is
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