Kristen Hoover

Second Grade Teacher at Whitehall City Schools - Whitehall, Ohio, US

Kristen Hoover's Contact Details
(614) 417-5000
Whitehall City Schools
Kristen Hoover's Company Details
Whitehall City Schools logo, Whitehall City Schools contact details

Whitehall City Schools

Whitehall, Ohio, US • 310 Employees

Spanning 5.2 square miles, Whitehall City Schools (WCS) serves the educational needs of its closely knit community of 19,201 people. We are located on the east side of Columbus and are landlocked between many other growing cities, including Bexley, Reynoldsburg, and Gahanna. Whitehall is 4.9 miles from Port Columbus International Airport and 10 miles from downtown Columbus. Currently, WCS consists of one high school (9-12), one middle school (6-8), three elementary schools (K-5), and one pre-school (Pre-K). Whitehall City Schools is fully accredited by the Ohio Department of Education.

Public School Elementary Primary Education Middle School High School K 12 Education Early Childhood Education Student Education Educational Institute
Details about Whitehall City Schools
Frequently Asked Questions about Kristen Hoover
Kristen Hoover currently works for Whitehall City Schools.
Kristen Hoover's role at Whitehall City Schools is Second Grade Teacher.
Kristen Hoover's email address is *** To view Kristen Hoover's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kristen Hoover works in the Schools industry.
Kristen Hoover's colleagues at Whitehall City Schools are Mark Paessun, ASHLEA BRADLEY, John Rome, Michelle Mcneal, Emma Berlin, Tanisha Brown, Sharon Bukowski and others.
Kristen Hoover's phone number is null
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