North-South Environmental Inc. (NSE) founded in 1999 is an environmental consulting firm that now has a collective expertise that combines decades of experience in the earth and life sciences. NSE is highly respected for consulting services founded on sound scientific ability with strong analytical skills, supported by contemporary tools using spatial analysis (GIS). NSE specializes in the description and interpretation of ecological features and processes for environmental management and design studies related to sustainable resource utilization and protection in a wide range of temperate, tropical and arctic ecosystems.At the heart of our approach is recognition of the growing need to restore and manage sustainable landscapes, whether they are in an urban, rural, or wilderness setting. Our belief is that sustainability is irreversibly connected to ecological process and function. The degree to which these can be maintained or restored is the degree to which sustainability will be achieved. This is as true of a small urban park as it is of a large wilderness area. Our approach recognizes the need for an appropriate balance between human needs and ecological sustainability. This balance will vary with the ecological setting and long term human requirements. NSE is one of the few environmental firms which offer clients a true ecosystem approach, with full integration between the physical and biological sciences. Our senior professionals have a long history of working together to undertake analyses and develop concepts on projects involving a consideration of landform, soils, vegetation and wildlife.