Kristen Wubben

Office Coordinator at Digital Canal Corporation - Dubuque, IA, US

Kristen Wubben's Contact Details
Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Digital Canal Corporation
Kristen Wubben's Company Details
Digital Canal Corporation logo, Digital Canal Corporation contact details

Digital Canal Corporation

Dubuque, IA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Digital Canal has grown into an industry leader for the solutions we offer our clients, which range from home builders to interior designers, architects and more. We provide help with:Design: Our professional design software for builders is called SolidBuilder and Building Blocks. This software emphasizes both the design AND construction aspects of your project. With an easy interface, you are able to seamlessly build your structure. Then, you can convert the design to workable blueprints and run a takeoff to populate your materials list. Everything you design in SolidBuilder can be built in the field.Estimating: Our professional estimating software for builders also streamlines a once time-consuming, tedious task. With BidBuilder and Digital Takeoff, not only can you get rid of your bulky digitizer, but you are able to calculate estimates very quickly while retaining the accuracy that is so important to your financial bottom line.Structural Engineering Software: Digital Canal will help you do more with less with one of the industry's most diverse product lines including VersaFrame, Retaining Wall Design, Steel Design, Wind Analysis, etc. Our time tested and proven software products ensure the professional quality that you require across many software products perfectly capable of fulfilling the daily demands of your profession.

Building Design and Construction Software Structural Engineering Software Training
Details about Digital Canal Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Kristen Wubben
Kristen Wubben currently works for Digital Canal Corporation.
Kristen Wubben's role at Digital Canal Corporation is Office Coordinator.
Kristen Wubben's email address is *** To view Kristen Wubben's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kristen Wubben works in the SaaS industry.
Kristen Wubben's colleagues at Digital Canal Corporation are Jesse Thompson, Charlotte Hill, Kegan Huntley, Rod Blum, Ed Graham, Monty Alexander and others.
Kristen Wubben's phone number is 563-690-2000
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