We are a healthcare software developing firm. We connect with healthcare leaders, developers, providers, and patients to develop evidence based solutions and products to enhance the overall patient experience.At HPA he have a cohesive team that takes the best from technology, healthcare provider experience, and patients to develop products that offer the best solutions in improving patient care. HPA has proven to combine evidence based practice with technology to develop products that ensure better patient outcomes. We are a patient centered product developing company that keeps your patient at the top of our priority list. The combination of healthcare leaders, providers, patients, and tech developers allow for the best product solutions in todays and tomorrows healthcare world. With our background in healthcare and technology we will be able to address both sides of the pie under one language.Happy Patient Apps Beliefs1. There is a need to improve the patient point of care.2. Patient care outcomes are the measure of quality.3. Product solutions are evidence based.4. Product solutions are patient centered.5. Patient education will maximize self-care.6. Collaboration with other health professional team members is essential.7. Good fiscal stewardship is a condition of quality care.8. Social justice is an essential value.9. Promotion of client and community advocacy.10. Technology will facilitate the continuity and comprehensiveness of care.