Kristian Gomez

Lagermedarbeider at Fiberworks AS - Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Kristian Gomez's Contact Details
+1 474-741-3747
Fiberworks AS
Kristian Gomez's Company Details
Fiberworks AS logo, Fiberworks AS contact details

Fiberworks AS

Oslo, Oslo, Norway • 24 Employees

Fiberworks er en ledende leverandør av fiberoptiske produkter for morgendagens kommunikasjonsnett. Les mer på nettsidene våre: til Fiberworks omfatter optiske komponenter, kostnadseffektive xWDM-løsninger, test og måleinstrumenter, komponenter for transmisjons- og aksessløsninger innenfor tele- og datakommunikasjon.Vi tilbyr også tjenester for nyskapende design og planlegging, samt implementering og support. Fiberworks er sertifisert i henhold til ISO 9001:2015 og ISO 14001:2015English: Fiberworks AS is a leading provider of premium-quality optical systems and components for tomorrow's communication network. We deliver anything from transport / metro systems to access / FTTH solutions. Some of our products include optical transceivers, CWDM/DWDM mulitplexers and optical test instruments.

Details about Fiberworks AS
Frequently Asked Questions about Kristian Gomez
Kristian Gomez currently works for Fiberworks AS.
Kristian Gomez's role at Fiberworks AS is Lagermedarbeider.
Kristian Gomez's email address is *** To view Kristian Gomez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kristian Gomez works in the Telecommunications industry.
Kristian Gomez's colleagues at Fiberworks AS are Cecilie Paulsen, Janet Navarro, Helge Branting, Marius Rognaldsen, Chase Ruble, Jon Grimsrud, Trond Lieng and others.
Kristian Gomez's phone number is +1 474-741-3747
See more information about Kristian Gomez