Owner & Recruitment Specialist at KAN Recruitment - Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
www.kanrecruitment.com KAN Recruitment, located in Kelowna, BC is an Executive Recruitment Search firm that specializes in professional recruitment placements for Kelowna companies.KAN Recruitment invests time and effort in building long-term relationships with our clients and dedicating the time to truly learn the culture, systems and "fit" to ensure candidates placed are successful. Making quality connections with both our clients and our candidates is the key to ensuring a successful working relationship.Searching, discovering and attracting the best in Kelowna talent can be a challenge and take a great deal of time. At KAN Recruitment, we have constructed and designed an in-depth system for the permanent recruitment process, one that is very effective and one that we are very proud of. Let us partner with you...whether you're looking for people to HIRE—or looking to be HIRED — the recruitment professionals at KAN Management Services will put you on the most effective path to a successful hire.Visit www.kanmanagementservices.com or email kristie@kanmanagementservices.com to discuss what your requirements are OR to ask me any questions about me or my services.