Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselor at The Bridge Behavioral Health - Lincoln, NE, US
The Bridge Behavioral Health is a licensed as a substance disorders treatment center by the State of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and has been deemed a 501(c) (3) not for profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Our service area covers the city of Lincoln and Lancaster County and the 15 counties of Southeast Nebraska served by Region V Services.The Bridge provides a place from which to collaborate and build solutions that crisscross our city and intertwine the grittiest, ugliest, and most severe social problems we face as a community. Our continuum of care is unmatched. We are the only agency in Lincoln that provides civil protective services, medically-supervised withdrawal, residential treatment, outpatient recovery services, family counseling and outreach. We promise to provide donors a platform on which to better Lincoln, by helping individuals with little financial resources, find safe passage to sobriety and a new life.