Shyft Strategies supports people and organizations that seek to create environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Are you ready to capitalize on shyfting social dynamics, lead with social and self-awareness, and create an environment where everyone thrives? If so, you are ready to SHYFT. The SHYFT5 TM Solutions program is the culmination of over 25 years of entrepreneurship, business leadership, and sociological thinking blended to help others think, engage, and lead differently. Awareness leads us to act. Actions lead to impact. Create thriving cultures.Navigate shyfting social dynamics. Lead to positively impact the lives of others.#LeadershipDevelopment #Training #Workshops #Consulting #change #socialproblems #legacy #leadershiptraining #DiversityandInclusion #ChangeManagement #DiversityTraining #SocialAwarenessTraining #sociology #socialdynamics #unconsciousbias #implicitbias #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI #socialresponsibility #socialimpact