Kristina Cigana

Digital Specialist at Purebaby Australia - Collingwood, Victoria, AU

Kristina Cigana's Contact Details
+61 2 9780 5111
Purebaby Australia
Kristina Cigana's Company Details
Purebaby Australia logo, Purebaby Australia contact details

Purebaby Australia

Collingwood, Victoria, AU • 100 - 249 Employees

Purebaby is an Australian baby and toddler brand specialising in 100% organic cotton clothing. Purebaby offers a full range of basics, seasonal fashion, sleepwear, home and accessories. Purebaby was founded in 2002 by Mirabai Winford when she wasn't able to find any organic cotton clothing for her new baby that was also fashion forward and affordable. Purebaby has now grown into a full omni-channel brand with its own retail locations across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland; concession stores exclusively with David Jones throughout Australia; wholesale throughout David Jones, Baby Bunting and boutiques; and online eCommerce through The Purebaby head office is situated close to the CDB in Melbourne Australia. We are always interested in hearing from people that would like to join our retail or head office team, so please feel free to reach out through messaging.

Details about Purebaby Australia
Frequently Asked Questions about Kristina Cigana
Kristina Cigana currently works for Purebaby Australia.
Kristina Cigana's role at Purebaby Australia is Digital Specialist.
Kristina Cigana's email address is *** To view Kristina Cigana's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kristina Cigana works in the Retail industry.
Kristina Cigana's colleagues at Purebaby Australia are Marijana Znidarec, Amy Eleftheriadis, Alana Costanzo, Sanjay Gill, Daniela Fratino, Damien Ramenaden, Tara Lunn and others.
Kristina Cigana's phone number is +61 2 9780 5111
See more information about Kristina Cigana